I was trying to think of what film to write about next and I drew a complete blank, Martin Blank in fact, the lead character of this early mid-life crisis/hitman comedy.
The script for this film is so sharp, nearly every line of dialogue or piece of business by an actor has a double meaning (don’t forget your identity). This makes this comedy a special joy on repeat viewings.
It’s also got a lot of references to the high school movies we all grew up with in the 80s and 90s.
Director George Armitage also made another 90s classic called Miami Blues, which was also funny, knowing and had a killer soundtrack. Speaking of soundtracks, this one is a joy, put together by Joe Strummer who’s not shy in using some of his own songs.
Grosse Pointe Blank is a grower, has become something of a cult and does indeed get better and better the more times that you watch it. John Cusack and his sister have never been better and Minnie Driver is a joy (for once).
If you like snappy dialogue, sharp action, good music and clever understanding of subtext you’ll enjoy Grosse Pointe Blank. Give it a shot.
So, 93 films to go!
Matthew Cooper has written for Emmerdale, Eastenders, Hollyoaks and Family Affairs. He was winner of the first ever Lloyds Bank Channel Four Film Challenge and the Oscar Moore Screenplay Prize. His first short film starred a then unknown Ewan McGregor and was picked up by Channel Four when Matthew was 19 years old. He’s been a script writer for hire and filmmaker for hire for over 20 years.