Ivan’s Childhood (1962)

14th April 2020 @matcoop 0

As a script writer for hire and UK script consultant, I try to see everything worth seeing, from new releases to old silent films. Sometimes, films or directors manage to slip by my radar, I’m only human after all.

UK Script consultant looks back on Mike Basset: England Manager

11th March 2020 @matcoop 0

With the current turmoil going on in the world, it might be time for a good comedy and as the UK’s leading script writer for hire, online screenwriting expert. and UK script consultant this week, I dug out an old DVD and watched Mike Bassett: England Manager (2001) which is pretty much guaranteed to put a smile on anyone’s face.

UK Script consultant looks back on Contagion (2011)

5th March 2020 @matcoop 0

With the world in the grip of Covid-19 a scary sounding new virus and respiratory illness originating in China, as a script writer for hire, online screenwriting expert and UK script consultant I decided to look back on Contagion (2011) a film directed by Steven Soderbergh which is starting to look very much like a documentary about our current health crisis.

Streets of Fire

UK Script consultant – 10 films to know me 

26th February 2020 @matcoop 0

There was a recent trend on Twitter among the film Twitterariti with the hashtag #tenfilmstoknow me, where you choose ten films which best described you as a person, and as a film buff. I took it not necessarily as a top ten ‘best films’ list, but more about films very personal to you (but it could be a mix of both).