Out of Sight is based on a novel by the late Elmore Leonard. Leonard was a script writer, who turned to novels out of frustration, then the world turned and most of his novels ended up being made into films (or TV shows) and a few years after his death this trend continues.
The film is a clever, funny, romance story between Federal Marshall Karen Cisco (Lopez) and bank robber Jack Foley (Clooney) who is freshly out of prison (via a tunnel).
It’s ably directed by Soderbergh and has some great snappy dialogue, fabulous performances (especially Don Cheadle and for the short time she’s on screen Catherine Keener is fun). I like the film, watch it every few years, and the soundtrack is smashing too. But…
Speaking as a UK script consultant, script writer for hire and script doctor..the script works like a perfect jigsaw, the story – like all of Leonard’s works on every level, everything moves at a great pace, it’s entertaining, and, well… I’m still not sure…

Soderbergh is very good, but he has admitted himself sometimes that he’s not comfortable with this directing lark. This film, feels almost like it was constructed to please with a slide rule (or in these days an algorithm). And it does please, so what am I getting at? What am I moaning about?
The thing is, there is tremendous talent in the writing, the cast, and the director of this film. But it feels ‘cookie cutter’. Very good cookie, but a ‘cookie’ none the less – filled with sugar, no real nutrients, and packaged to look enticing. I enjoy it, but it’s not very filling and probably not good for me. A lot of Soderburgh’s films are like that. He is very good, knows how to get everything to work, but where is the heart? Some of his films feel like he treats the whole, writing, character, story and filmmaking aspect like someone solving a math puzzle – he solves it, he’s brilliant…but… even the quirky aspect of some of his films feels calculated…

If I’m looking for something more, maybe I shouldn’t be looking at a commercial Hollywood film? I don’t know, there are lots of Hollywood films with heart, but they feel messier than this, as if, sometimes, the magic happens by accident, as much as design. Out of Sight, feels like it followed a blue print very closely. Am I being too tough on Soderburgh? (I don’t think so, as I said, he has tremendous talent – do I feel he’s wasting it?)

Script writers starting out; often look for help and advice on commercial scriptwriting, there are books offering blue prints, or ways to make a story work commercially etc. I’m sure some of these are very useful. And I know, for a fact, that there are techniques to follow for a story to work – story types that have worked for people from the beginning of time. But, you need to let life in sometimes, a little mess, a little fuss, don’t be too tidy, and don’t follow a formula so closely that you miss letting anything else in…

Leave the washing in the sink sometimes with stories; don’t pack everything away, let the characters breathe… Out of Sight is a great film in many ways, but it’s so controlled I want to scream.
Matthew Cooper has been a script writer for hire and script doctor for over 20 years. He’s written for most of the UK soaps, including writing award winning episodes of Emmerdale, EastEnders, Hollyoaks and Family Affairs and has been BAFTA shortlisted and Royal Television Society nominated as a script writer. He’s also a leading UK script consultant. You can find some of his broadcast credits on the IMDb. You can get in touch with Matthew on matcoop23@yahoo.co.uk or hire him on Peopleperhour
His directorial debut Markham will be released in 2019.