UK Script consultant looks back on Mike Basset: England Manager

11th March 2020 @matcoop 0

With the current turmoil going on in the world, it might be time for a good comedy and as the UK’s leading script writer for hire, online screenwriting expert. and UK script consultant this week, I dug out an old DVD and watched Mike Bassett: England Manager (2001) which is pretty much guaranteed to put a smile on anyone’s face.

UK Script consultant looks back on Contagion (2011)

5th March 2020 @matcoop 0

With the world in the grip of Covid-19 a scary sounding new virus and respiratory illness originating in China, as a script writer for hire, online screenwriting expert and UK script consultant I decided to look back on Contagion (2011) a film directed by Steven Soderbergh which is starting to look very much like a documentary about our current health crisis.

Barry Lyndon (1975)

15th February 2020 @matcoop 0

As a script writer for hire, UK script consultant and UK Script editor I’m a massive Kubrick fanboy, and in well over 200 hundred blogposts […]