The Last Boy Scout

21st January 2017 @matcoop 0

The screenwriter Shane Black wrote The Last Boy Scout and I remember watching it a lot growing up. The film has been criticised for its […]

The Burning (1981)

14th January 2017 @matcoop 0

As a UK script consultant I like to watch all kinds of films and TV programmes in various genres. As a horror script writer for […]

Eyes Wide Shut

11th December 2016 @matcoop 0

As a script writer for hire I’m a big fan of Stanley Kubrick, I’ve read all the books, watched all the films multiple times and […]

The Monster Squad

4th December 2016 @matcoop 0

Fred Dekker’s The Monster Squad from 1987 is hard to get hold of now. I eventually got my hands a Far Eastern copy and decided […]

The Way Back

27th November 2016 @matcoop 0

Peter Weir’s The Way Back is good movie to have handy for Christmas. It’s a tough and long adventure movie about fugitives escaping from the […]

20 Million Miles to Earth

12th November 2016 @matcoop 0

Now we’re getting to real genius, despite the film business being filled with very, very clever people (and some real bozos) real genius is hard […]

The Hunger

29th October 2016 @matcoop 0

Tony Scott’s The Hunger from 1983 is a stylish and delicious vampire tale that’s vastly underrated. Like his brother Ridley, the late Tony Scott was […]