The Day of the Jackal

23rd October 2016 @matcoop 0

As a script writer for hire I spend a fair amount of time doing different things, beyond actually writing scripts. One of these is research; […]


16th October 2016 @matcoop 0

Well, this might be controversial, but I’d suggest that the infamous Caligula (1979) is worth seeing. The film has had a long troubled history and […]


16th October 2016 @matcoop 0

As a UK script writer for hire I’ve been hired on some bizarre jobs by some very interesting people, eccentric millionaires wanting to get into […]

Wild Bill

9th October 2016 @matcoop 0

I was browsing through the movies on Netflix the other day when I saw Walter Hill’s Wild Bill – brilliant I thought, I’ll watch that […]


8th October 2016 @matcoop 0

Moon from 2009 is the best science fiction film of the past ten years. Directed by Duncan Jones with intelligence, sensitivity and good taste. Jones […]

Midnight Special

13th August 2016 @matcoop 0

I haven’t really touched on or written much about sci-fi on this blog. I was reminded of this when I watched Midnight Special last night. […]

Miami Blues

6th August 2016 @matcoop 0

Miami Blues was released in 1990 and directed by George Armitage. Armitage is a very talented director and made Grosse Pointe Blank, one of my […]