St. Vincent (2014)

6th February 2020 @matcoop 0

As a UK script consultant, UK Script editor and script writer for hire, I’ve only just caught up with St. Vincent, a lovely comedy which features Bill Murray at his very best

Screamers (1979)

30th January 2020 @matcoop 0

As a UK script consultant, UK Script editor and script writer for hire I’m just finishing up work (and doing more reshoots) on my low (very low) budget feature film Markham.

Slap Shot (1977)

17th January 2020 @matcoop 0

Slap Shot was directed by George Roy Hill, but the film really belongs to script writer Nancy Dowd and actor, Paul Newman. As a UK script consultant and script writer for hire I’m really pleased to see a female script writer on an American sports film which is heavily devoted to the male psyche.

The Dead Zone (1983)

11th January 2020 @matcoop 0

As a UK script consultant and script writer for hire re-watching The Dead Zone (1983) is a great reminder of how simple some great plots are, and how storytelling sometimes works best when things are kept uncomplicated

Matthew Cooper, Screenwriter

How to pick the best script consultant services

22nd December 2019 @matcoop 0

There are tons of script consultant services online, for a writer needing an objective eye on their screenplay, a hiring a script consultant to do a script report is a good idea, but with all these people offering these services online.