My website has had its busiest period over the last 24 months – so much so that as a script writer for hire, and UK Script Consultant I’m fielding multiple emails daily for help with script reports and coverage as well as producers and directors wanting to hire me for original commissions and rush rewrites.
Back when I started this website and its hugely popular scriptwriter for hire and script consultant UK blog I hoped the website content might help new scriptwriters as well as producers looking for assistance with scripts and rewrites. This has been largely successful according to the writers who have contacted me for help and realistic ‘real world’ advice on scriptwriting careers in the UK.
So, as we get closer to the end of the year I’ve decided to share the top ten most popular blogposts on this website: In true ‘Top of The Pops’ style let the countdown commence:
No 10
This blogpost was a surprise entry into the top ten – it essentially sells my services as a scriptwriter for hire – available for producers and directors – without having to deal with an agent. I’ve got to be honest and admit that I get a lot of work directly from this page – producers and directors contact me for original work and rewrites – knowing they WON’T have to deal with a literary agent (and all the hassle that entails).
In an online world – people want access to freelance creatives quickly and this page mops up a lot of that work where scriptwriting is concerned (I’ll give myself a pat on the back for this page – it could do with a refresh though).
No 9
This is a very popular page which gives advice to new scriptwriters about agents – what they want and what they’re looking for – it looks at the business aspects of working with and getting an agent in the first instance…
No 8
This is a VERY busy page on my website – and it focuses on what I charge for script reports and script coverage – no nonsense it does what it says on the tin…
No 7
This is a pretty useful webpage (with lots and lots of views and engagement) it answers a lot of questions new scriptwriters have about how the business works and how viable it is as a career choice.
The page probably busts a few myths as well – it’s another blogpost that’s very good on the ‘business aspects’ of being a working scriptwriter.
No 6
Another blogpost that answers some basic questions about pay and money for screenwriters – a lot of the traffic for this blogpost comes from people looking to hire a scriptwriter (usually me!). The article links to the PACT Writers Guidelines – I stick to these guidelines pretty strictly for what I charge clients who approach me… I might not work with an agent – but I always respect Union minimums.
No 5
After you’ve written a script what do you do with it? The real answer is in this blogpost here. Can you submit a script to Netflix? Click above to find out…
No 4
The same question about script submissions is answered here, except this is a blogpost is specifically about submitting scripts to the BBC – and it answers a lot of questions about the BBC Writers Room and what they’re actually looking for.
And now (drum roll) we’ll countdown the top three…

The Script Consultant Countdown
No 3
It’s all about those PESKY agents AGAIN!– this blogpost gives some great advice on submitting a script to an agent.
The post ALSO includes a list of every UK literary agent that represents script writers…
No 2
Lots of sitcom info here – sitcoms are the Holy Grail for budding comedy writers – have you written one? Or are you thinking of having a crack at writing the next Only Fools or Fawlty Towers?
And finally – in at number one this year…
No 1
Topper most of the popper most is this blogpost all about getting a scriptwriting job – this blogpost links to my e-book UK SOAP OPERA SCRIPTWRITING HANDBOOK – BY UK SCRIPT CONSULTANT | Script writer for hire and UK script consultant (matcoop.co.uk) and this has a mammoth amount of views especially since the content has only being live on my website for a few months…
That’s the countdown done for this year…
These posts have obviously been useful to wannabe scriptwriters searching the internet for clues and advice about the profession. I only hope that readers have gained some insight about the business and how to proceed with a professional career.
As we’re closing in on December I’d like to thank all readers and wish everyone a Merry Christmas from me and mine.
Matthew Cooper has been a script writer for hire and UK script consultant for over 20 years. He’s written for most of the UK soaps, including writing award-winning episodes of Emmerdale, EastEnders, Hollyoaks and Family Affairs and has been BAFTA shortlisted and Royal Television Society nominated as a script writer.
His directorial debut, the rubber reality horror thriller ‘Markham’ was released in 2020, his second feature film as director ‘At The Mountains Of Madness’ hit the screen in 2021. You can find out more about Matthew’s work as a director here.You can find some of his broadcast credits on the IMDb